

You can obtain plasmid and vector reagents via the nonprofit plasmid repository Addgene: Jin lab reagents at Addgene

If you cannot obtain reagents through Addgene or have additional questions, please feel free to reach out to us directly at

Software and Data

All the computational tools and pipelines are available on Github. We also share our data on the single-cell portal for easy access.

Jin lab Github | single cell portal

In vivo Perturb-seq (Jin et al. Science 2020)

GitHub | GSE157977 | single-cell portal

Massively parallel in vivo Perturb-seq (Zheng et al. Cell 2024)

GitHub | GSE249416 | single-cell portal: AAV screen (RNA, AAV barcode) and perturbation screen (RNA, gRNA) | the Neuroglancer portal of AAV-SCH9 transduced brain